Lake County Public School Articulation Council

Membership benefits offer support from experts and peers within Lake County who meet quarterly to share & collaborate. Gain access to & collaborate in creating shared Ready to Learn Programs, Fundraising Programs, and Metrics Program to benchmark & measure success. Learn from peers who share case studies and success stories.

Covering Basic Learning Needs

Ready to Learn Programs

Programs to ensure that all students have their basic needs provided so they can focus on learning.

Shared creation & development of programs to assist students in your district who have basic needs that are not provided by school district budget.

Raise money for students

Fundraising Programs

Programs designed to raise money to support your students.

Shared creation & development of fundraising programs to best support the students in your district.

Benchmarking statistics

Metrics & Peer Benchmarking

Programs that provide you with valuable metrics to gather & peer bench marking

Defined metrics to assist you in meeting district goals and measuring success in supporting students in need.

To learn more about membership, please contact:

Joel Finfer

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